Düzenleme modu:
- i: insert
Komut modu:
- ESC - Komut moduna geçiş
- a - append a word
- o - another line
- dd - Delete entire line (p - re-inserted deleted line)
- u - undo
- dw - delete last word
- R - replace
- r - replace the single character
- w - moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word
- b - moves the cursor to the beginning of the current word
- o - moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
- $ - moves the cursor to the beginning of the end line
- Ctrl + F - moves the cursor one screenful forward
- Ctrl + B - moves the cursor one screenful back
- G - move the cursor to the end of the file
- 10G - move to the cursor to line 10 in the file
- 1G - move to the beginning of the file
- /word - jump to the first occurence of the pattern (word)
- ?word - jump to the last occurence of the pattern (word)
- d$ - delete everything from the cursor to the end of the line
- dG - delete everything from the cursor to the end of the file
- : - enter ex mode
Exit mode:
- :w - write the file
- :wq - write and quit
- :q! - without saving quit
- :q - quit but will save modifications
- :e - edit another file (Ex: :e filenamed Ex2: :e! filename)
- :r filename - insert the contents of the filename
- :! - allows you to enter the name of the shell command (Ex: :r ls , Ex2: :r! ls)
Ctrl + Z - suspend
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